@extends('admin/layouts/default') {{-- Page title --}} @section('title') Advanced Data Tables @parent @stop {{-- page level styles --}} @section('header_styles') @stop {{-- Page content --}} @section('content')

Advanced Data Tables

First Name Last Name User Name User E-mail
Mark Otto Markotto Markotto@test.com
Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Mark Otto Markotto Markotto@test.com
Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Mark Otto Markotto Markotto@test.com
Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Mark Otto Markotto Markotto@test.com
Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Mark Otto Markotto Markotto@test.com
Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Mark Otto Markotto Markotto@test.com
Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Mark Otto Markotto Markotto@test.com
Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Mark Otto Markotto Markotto@test.com
Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Mark Otto Markotto Markotto@test.com
Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Re-order Columns
# First Name Last Name User Name User E-mail
1. Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
2. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
3. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
4. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
5. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
6. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
7. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
8. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
9. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
10. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
11. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
12. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
13. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
14. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
15. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
16. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
17. Larryss the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Re-order Rows
# First Name Last Name User Name User E-mail
1. Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
2. Andrew the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
3. Krish the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
4. Devir Roies the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
5. Herry Krishna the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
6. Corrie Tarun the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
7. Metail Karim the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
8. Jekas NagRaj the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
9. John kiran the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
10. corrie andersom the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
11. Jessy the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
12. Monies mossen the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
13. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
14. County Furthe the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
15. Harlie Devid the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
16. Devid Royy the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
17. Link Mahesh the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Add / Remove rows
# First Name Last Name User Name User E-mail
1. Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
2. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
3. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
4. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
5. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
6. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
7. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
8. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
9. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
10. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
11. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
12. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
13. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
14. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
15. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
16. Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
17. Larryss the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
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Inline Edit
First Name Last Name User Name User E-mail
Mark Otto Markotto Markotto@test.com
Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Mark Otto Markotto Markotto@test.com
Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Mark Otto Markotto Markotto@test.com
Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Mark Otto Markotto Markotto@test.com
Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Mark Otto Markotto Markotto@test.com
Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Mark Otto Markotto Markotto@test.com
Jacob Thornton JacobThornton JacobThornton@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
Larry the Bird Larrythe Bird LarrytheBird@test.com
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