@extends('admin/layouts/default') {{-- Page title --}} @section('title') Radio And Checkbox @parent @stop {{-- page level styles --}} @section('header_styles') @stop {{-- Page content --}} @section('content') Radio and Checkbox Dashboard Forms Radio and checkbox iCheck - Checkbox Inputs Flat red skin checkbox Square skin checkbox Minimal skin checkbox Polaris skin checkbox Line checkbox Checkbox1 Checkbox2 Disable iCheck - Radio Inputs Flat red skin radio Square skin radio Minimal skin radio Polaris skin radio Line radio Radio button1 Radio button2 Disabled Bootstrap Switch Default Sizes Color Switch Animate Disabled / Readonly Switchery Switchery Sizes Small Medium Big Switchery Colors Multiple switches Advanced Check boxes Checkboxes with indeterminate state : Checkboxes without label text : Checkboxes with colors: Primary Success Info Warning Danger Circle checkboxes: Simply Rounded Me too Advanced Radio boxes Male Female Radio without label text : Inline Radios Inline One Inline Two Radios with colors Primary Success Danger Info Warning @stop {{-- page level scripts --}} @section('footer_scripts') @stop
Checkboxes with indeterminate state :
Checkboxes without label text :
Checkboxes with colors:
Circle checkboxes:
Radio without label text :
Inline Radios
Radios with colors